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English 12 Q2

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ĺĐTo be or not to be?ĺÓ Is it the ĺĐbest of timesĺÓ or the ĺĐworst of timesĺÓ? Explore these famous questions and more in English 12. This course focuses on British literature in all of its genres: drama, poetry, the novel, short story, and nonfiction literary and informational texts. Students will also apply timeless conversations to our modern world through scholarly research and writing about current issues. Critical reading, analysis, writing, and speaking will cover the core curriculum requirements. In addition to mastering the standard core, our students will employ the latest technological tools to communicate and collaborate, and create professional, creative projects. Emphasis will be placed on skills that will be critical to a successful transition to college and beyond. This is the second of a four-quarter course.

Material Type: Full Course

English 12 Q3

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ĺĐTo be or not to be?ĺÓ Is it the ĺĐbest of timesĺÓ or the ĺĐworst of timesĺÓ? Explore these famous questions and more in English 12. This course focuses on British literature in all of its genres: drama, poetry, the novel, short story, and nonfiction literary and informational texts. Students will also apply timeless conversations to our modern world through scholarly research and writing about current issues. Critical reading, analysis, writing, and speaking will cover the core curriculum requirements. In addition to mastering the standard core, our students will employ the latest technological tools to communicate and collaborate, and create professional, creative projects. Emphasis will be placed on skills that will be critical to a successful transition to college and beyond. This is the third of a four-quarter course.

Material Type: Full Course

English 12 Q4

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ĺĐTo be or not to be?ĺÓ Is it the ĺĐbest of timesĺÓ or the ĺĐworst of timesĺÓ? Explore these famous questions and more in English 12. This course focuses on British literature in all of its genres: drama, poetry, the novel, short story, and nonfiction literary and informational texts. Students will also apply timeless conversations to our modern world through scholarly research and writing about current issues. Critical reading, analysis, writing, and speaking will cover the core curriculum requirements. In addition to mastering the standard core, our students will employ the latest technological tools to communicate and collaborate, and create professional, creative projects. Emphasis will be placed on skills that will be critical to a successful transition to college and beyond. This is the fourth of a four-quarter course.

Material Type: Full Course

English 9 Q1

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In this course, we will study novels, plays, poetry, and articles as a means of improving critical thinking, reading comprehension, vocabulary, and written expression. Through written, audio, and video recordings, students share their reactions to the characters, themes, and issues of the works studied. Grammar, vocabulary, symbolism, plot points, and character development are among the language and literary techniques which students will study in this course. Throughout the course, students will make connections between the themes and characters of literature, and the events and interactions of their own lives.

Material Type: Full Course

English 9 Q3

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In this course, we will study novels, plays, poetry, and articles as a means of improving critical thinking, reading comprehension, vocabulary, and written expression. Through written, audio, and video recordings, students share their reactions to the characters, themes, and issues of the works studied. Grammar, vocabulary, symbolism, plot points, and character development are among the language and literary techniques which students will study in this course. Throughout the course, students will make connections between the themes and characters of literature, and the events and interactions of their own lives.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lecture, Reading

Music Appreciation Q2

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Music Appreciation will introduce students to the fundamentals of creating, enjoying, and listening to music. Students will learn about the basics of creating music including melody, harmony, and rhythm. Students will also explore instrumental and vocal timbre and will critique musical performances. Students will also be exposed to many musical styles including traditional, folk, jazz, opera, popular, and classical music. Through unique online software, students will be able to compose, arrange, and share their own musical ideas. Students will learn to appreciate the complexity and the art of music. This is the second part of a two-quarter course.

Material Type: Full Course

Music Theory Q2

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This course is designed to teach students how to read and understand musical notes, rhythms, and symbols. Students will learn about the note names and basic applications to the piano keyboard. Students will be expected to use a piano or other instrument during the course to reinforce the theory concepts learned during the course. Students will also learn some basic aural skills including recognizing intervals and tonality using your ears only. Students will have a weekly video presentation, assignment, and discussion to complete. Prerequisite: Access to a piano or keyboard. This is the first part of a two-quarter course.

Material Type: Full Course

Public Speaking Q2

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This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of public speaking. These basics include every step of the process, from researching to outlining to delivering a speech. We will also focus on the relationship between speaking and listening, dealing with nervousness, gauging an audience, and using visual aids as support. Students will be asked to give an array of speeches that will enhance their appreciation of and comfort with the art of elocution. Through oral assignments and written assignments, we will cultivate strong critical reasoning, analytical, and argumentative skills. This is the second part of a two-quarter course.

Material Type: Full Course

Theater I Q1

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During this course you will complete sections dedicated to History of the Theatre, Script and Plot Analysis, basic Material Selection, using the instruments of Voice and Body and Audition Advice. In our daily lives we all experience theatrical elements. These elements are evident in political campaigns, holiday celebrations, sports events, religious ceremonies, children's make-believe, as well as in the dances and rituals of primitive peoples. However, most of us do not consider these events to be theatrical in nature. This course will demonstrate that these events are directly linked to theatre and performance. Get ready to explore the structure of a script and the importance of plot analysis. What does it mean to classify a script as male or female? Have you ever wanted to audition but weren't sure how to begin the process? This course will teach you the basics of a successful audition and how to avoid making common mistakes with voice and pronunciation. Let's get started...everyone, break a leg! This is the first part of a two-quarter course.

Material Type: Full Course

Theater I Q2

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During this course you will complete sections dedicated to History of the Theatre, Script and Plot Analysis, basic Material Selection, using the instruments of Voice and Body and Audition Advice. In our daily lives we all experience theatrical elements. These elements are evident in political campaigns, holiday celebrations, sports events, religious ceremonies, children's make-believe, as well as in the dances and rituals of primitive peoples. However, most of us do not consider these events to be theatrical in nature. This course will demonstrate that these events are directly linked to theatre and performance. Get ready to explore the structure of a script and the importance of plot analysis. What does it mean to classify a script as male or female? Have you ever wanted to audition but weren't sure how to begin the process? This course will teach you the basics of a successful audition and how to avoid making common mistakes with voice and pronunciation. Let's get started...everyone, break a leg! This is the second part of a two-quarter course.

Material Type: Full Course