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Web Design Q2

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This course is designed to progress students' skills into the realm of Web design. Students will move from being simply web page creators to web site designers. We will dive into topics such as art theory, design principles, information architecture, usability, accessibility, and user interactivity. This course takes up where Web Essentials left off, pushing students who have a basic understanding of XHTML and CSS into advanced levels. This class will demonstrate to students what the Web design industry is like and if this field might be a good fit for them. This is the second part of a two-quarter course.

Material Type: Full Course

Current Issues Q1

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Current Issues is a Social Studies elective. The class takes a close look at the media surrounding us. We analyze the unique place in history occupied by the United States that allowed media to develop and flourish. From there we investigate the origins of Newspaper, Television, Internet, and Advertising. After looking at the past history of various mediums of mass communication, students then take a look at current efforts and future endeavors of each communication tool. Finally students end the course in a disruptive innovation on the research paper–with collaborative research done in a Wiki Space. Students stay connected with current events as they are happening and learn perspective about the media that we interact with on a day to day basis.

Material Type: Full Course

Financial Literacy Q1

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This hands-on course teaches you about financial topics that apply to your life now and to your future. Topics covered include: budgeting, borrowing (debt and credit), saving and investing, protecting against risk, and earning money. You will have opportunities to practice what you are learning with interactive games and also exercises that allow you to apply the concepts to your life. After completing the course, you will be able to take part in the National Financial Capability Challenge to demonstrate your financial knowledge. This could be one of the most valuable classes you complete! This is the first of a two-quarter class.

Material Type: Full Course

Financial Literacy Q2

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This hands-on course teaches you about financial topics that apply to your life now and to your future. Topics covered include: budgeting, borrowing (debt and credit), saving and investing, protecting against risk, and earning money. You will have opportunities to practice what you are learning with interactive games and also exercises that allow you to apply the concepts to your life. After completing the course, you will be able to take part in the National Financial Capability Challenge to demonstrate your financial knowledge. This could be one of the most valuable classes you complete! This is the second of a two-quarter class.

Material Type: Full Course

Algebra A (A)

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Algebra A (A) is the first semester of Algebra A.ĘAlgebra A and Algebra B make up a two-year Algebra program. The main goal of Algebra is to develop fluency in working with linear equations. This 2 year program gives students the opportunity to study, learn, and practice algebraic concepts at a pace that allows additional learning activities, projects, and discussions. In this course, students will work with tables, graphs, and equations and solve linear equations and inequalities and systems of linear equations and inequalities. Throughout the course, students will have opportunities to apply mathematical skills and make meaningful connections to lifeŐs experiences.

Material Type: Full Course

Algebra 2 (B)

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Algebra 2 builds upon and extends concepts from both Algebra 1 and Geometry. In Algebra 2, students work with equations, inequalities, and graphs of linear, quadratic, trigonometric, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Real-world applications that can be modeled by each of these functions are explored. Algebra 2 also introduces students to concepts of probability and statistics.

Material Type: Full Course

Algebra 1 (B)

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The main goal of Algebra is to develop fluency in working with linear equations. In this course, students will work with tables, graphs, and equations and solve linear equations and inequalities and systems of linear equations and inequalities. Students will learn how to simplify polynomials and begin to study quadratic relationships, along with analyzing mathematical situations verbally, numerically, graphically, and symbolically. Throughout the course, students will have opportunities to apply mathematical skills and make meaningful connections to lifeŐs experiences.

Material Type: Full Course

Art 1 Q2

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This is an entry-level course for the High School Visual Arts Core Curriculum. It is designed to provide an overview and introduction to Visual Arts through studying a variety of art tools and materials. With an emphasis on studio production, this course is designed to develop higher-level thinking, art-related technology skill, art criticism, art history, and aesthetics. This is the second part of a two-quarter course.

Material Type: Full Course

English 10 Q4

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In English 10, we will study and explore poetry, narratives, short stories, novels, non-fiction essays, articles and informational texts. Our comprehension of these texts will be facilitated by analyzing and evaluating the literary elements, plot, character development and themes of each work. As part of this course, we will continue to develop writing skills by experimenting with multiple forms of writing. We will clarify thinking and writing by improving our ability to support opinions, providing expressive details and using the writing process as a means to strengthen ideas. This course will provide ample opportunities for students to imaginatively and critically express themselves through multi-media resources as they make essential connections to the world, themselves and literature.

Material Type: Full Course

Digital Photography

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Digital Photography will allow students to become familiar with the functions of a digital camera. Students will learn how to use light and their camera to create art. They will also learn the rules of photography and how to tastefully break them. Students will develop higher level thinking through art criticism, art history, and aesthetics by learning about photography.

Material Type: Full Course

Digital Photography Q2

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Digital Photography will allow students to become familiar with the functions of a digital camera. Students will learn how to use light and their camera to create art. They will also learn the rules of photography and how to tastefully break them. Students will develop higher level thinking through art criticism, art history, and aesthetics by learning about photography. This is the second part of a two-quarter course.

Material Type: Full Course

English 11 Q1

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From slave narratives to F. Scott Fitzgerald's roaring 1920'sۀEnglish 11 will focus on the unique literary works and themes of American Literature. Our comprehension of these texts will be facilitated by analyzing and evaluating the literary elements, plot, theme, and character development. As part of this course, we will continue to hone writing skills by practicing multiple forms of writing. English 11 will specifically focus writing personal narratives and analyzing literary texts. This course will allow students to make real world connections to literature through project based assessments, the use of the most up to date tech tools, thoughtful group discussion, and formative writing assignments. This is the first of a four-quarter course.

Material Type: Full Course

English 11 Q2

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From slave narratives to F. Scott Fitzgerald's roaring 1920's€, English 11 will focus on the unique literary works and themes of American Literature. Our comprehension of these texts will be facilitated by analyzing and evaluating the literary elements, plot, theme, and character development. As part of this course, we will continue to hone writing skills by practicing multiple forms of writing. English 11 will specifically focus writing personal narratives and analyzing literary texts. This course will allow students to make real world connections to literature through project based assessments, the use of the most up to date tech tools, thoughtful group discussion, and formative writing assignments. This is the second of a four-quarter course.

Material Type: Full Course

English 11 Q3

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From slave narratives to F. Scott Fitzgerald's roaring 1920'sۀEnglish 11 will focus on the unique literary works and themes of American Literature. Our comprehension of these texts will be facilitated by analyzing and evaluating the literary elements, plot, theme, and character development. As part of this course, we will continue to hone writing skills by practicing multiple forms of writing. English 11 will specifically focus writing personal narratives and analyzing literary texts. This course will allow students to make real world connections to literature through project based assessments, the use of the most up to date tech tools, thoughtful group discussion, and formative writing assignments. This is the third of a four-quarter course.

Material Type: Full Course

English 11 Q4

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From slave narratives to F. Scott Fitzgerald's roaring 1920'sĺŰĚăEnglish 11 will focus on the unique literary works and themes of American Literature. Our comprehension of these texts will be facilitated by analyzing and evaluating the literary elements, plot, theme, and character development. As part of this course, we will continue to hone writing skills by practicing multiple forms of writing. English 11 will specifically focus writing personal narratives and analyzing literary texts. This course will allow students to make real world connections to literature through project based assessments, the use of the most up to date tech tools, thoughtful group discussion, and formative writing assignments. This is the fourth of a four-quarter course.

Material Type: Full Course

English 12 Q1

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ĺĐTo be or not to be?ĺÓ Is it the ĺĐbest of timesĺÓ or the ĺĐworst of timesĺÓ? Explore these famous questions and more in English 12. This course focuses on British literature in all of its genres: drama, poetry, the novel, short story, and nonfiction literary and informational texts. Students will also apply timeless conversations to our modern world through scholarly research and writing about current issues. Critical reading, analysis, writing, and speaking will cover the core curriculum requirements. In addition to mastering the standard core, our students will employ the latest technological tools to communicate and collaborate, and create professional, creative projects. Emphasis will be placed on skills that will be critical to a successful transition to college and beyond. This is the first of a four-quarter course.

Material Type: Full Course